Mostly, I’ve been recording stuff on FB because it’s easier (quick update via phone) and less pressure (no need to be eloquent because of the limited space.
I’ve cut-n-pasted a few of the highlights over the last few months here.
I checked with google to find out the amharic word for delicious. The first site listed was…my own website.
I think that was google’s way of calling me a dumbass.
All you wannabes out there can quit tryin’ for the rest of the day.
I just won Best Mom of the Day because I let Og have the leftover fortune cookie to put in his lunchbox for preschool today. In his words, “Oh! You are da best ever and ever and ever, Mom.”
Better luck tomorrow, peeps!!
After listening to Og tell me how awesome bees are because they “squirt honey out dere butts”, I have almost convinced him baby moms are even more awesome than bees because they squirt sweet baby milk out their boobies.
If I could just squirt the milk right now, I’m pretty sure I would’ve been the undisputed debate winner.
Wendim: You know kids these days have it harder at school.
Me: Really?
Wendim: Yeah. People from long ago didn’t have as much history to learn. And now we have a lot.
Me: How long ago is “long ago”?
Irmao: {to Wendim} DON’T SAY IT!!!!
Wendim: Like when you were a kid. “The Past” was barely started.
Irmao: {dead silent, bug-eyed, watching for my reaction}
Me: Reeeeee-ally?
At summer school pickup-
Teacher: oh, hi, I wanted to talk to you about Wendim.
Me: um, ok. {thinking omg omg omg I should’ve made hubby do the pickup today!}
Teacher: I’ve had Wendim for 2 sessions now.
Me: Uh huh. {gulp}
Teacher: and I just wanted to let you know how wonderful he is!! I wish my class was full of 100 Wendims!!!
Bad mama for expecting the worst. Good mama for raising the best!! You rock, Wendim!!!
As I sit here in my lame-I swim skirt and shirt, I’m totally envious of the awesome self confidence some other beach goers have w their swimwear choices. Sameness is lameness. Rock on unitard-man and see-through-dress-granny!! And when you someday see me in a coconut bikini top, I expect you to high-five me too!!
Og: park in the shit, mama! Park! In! The! Shit!
Me: it’s pronounced *shade*.